2012 F1 Singapore Grand Prix Transportation Guide
Looking for a quick transportation guide on the 2012 F1 Singapore Grand Prix? Click here to see the detailed MRT, BUS & Taxi Transportation Guide in Singapore’s F1 Gran Prix 2012 . Taking a public transportation on this year’s Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix might be inconvenient as there’s a forecast of high volume of […]
Do It Yourself Wedding Invitations Ideas
A lot of brides want their wedding invitations to have that lovely and unique touch. They see to it that the final draft of their wedding invitation is perfect and has that classic look and feel. Nowadays, you no longer need a multimedia expert to do your most precious wedding invitation. Because in this age, […]
Romantic Wedding Vows & Wedding Wishes

Looking for the most romantic wedding vow on your wedding day? Make sure that your wedding vow is original and sweet enough to be remembered by your soon-to-be wife or husband. Visit the links below to discover on how you could come up with an original and romantic wedding vow with a little help from […]
Tips for a Budget Wedding
Wedding is the most beautiful and important day of your life and at the same time one of the most expensive too. The average cost of a wedding today is $32,000-$85,000. Most of us worry too much about the budget set and we would hardly try to stretch it over and over again for a […]
How To Identify Legal Rental Vehicles in Singapore
[one_half]A road tax disc printed “MOTORCAR” is a legal rental car registered with LTA.[/one_half] [one_half_last]A road tax disc printed “PASSENGER(PRIVATE)” is only meant for private use only.[/one_half_last] About Legal Rental Vehicles You can easily identify the difference between legal and illegal rental vehicles by just looking at the road tax disc. A legal rental vehicle […]